Complete the Free Assessment form below and a member of our team will begin reviewing your request immediately.
First Name
Phone Number
Your RestrictionsWalkingDressingEatingDigestion / EliminationHearingVisionSpeechCognitive / EmotionalLife sustaining TherapyOther
What are your medical conditions?
When did your symptoms begin?---20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011Earlier
Do you have a taxable income? (keep in mind that the more taxes paid the better)---YesNo
Do you have a family member who helps you financially? (keep in mind that this can increase the amount of your refund)---YesNo
If yes, what is this relative's relationship:---SpouseMotherFatherSonDaughterAuntUncleGrandfatherGrandmotherNephewNieceBrotherSisterOther
If you meet the requirements, would you like us to mail out a package?---YesNo
Postal Code